Its odd to realise that you are no longer in the midst of a depressive episode. i only noticed a few days ago and thinking about it it seems to have ended in the beginning of November, usually i would know given how severe the depression was, perhaps i did not notice this time as it was mild and it disappeared quietly.
The timing is interesting too as normally this is the time of year for it begin rather than end, in any case this episode lasted 10 months which is rather longer than my average ones and the last time i had an episode that lasted so long was back in 2006 when i had my breakdown and stayed in a severe and suicidal state for around 18 months.
However the sleep terrors haven't gone, I've had a couple over the last month and the cause cannot be attributed to the depression or anxiety as i was neither depressed or anxious (cue a psychotherapist: "you've repressed something and its coming out via the sleep terrors!") entirely possible but there is no evidence of that so the causes remain unknown for the time being.
Also a small point, I'm certain these sleep terrors began before i was 11 years old, the significance being the depression started at that age, the psychotherapists i saw back in 2007 maintained their opinion the depression is the cause, i was never convinced and I've got a couple of fleeting memories that existed before i was 11, one where i was maybe 5 or 6 where i was at my grandparents and was lying on the sofa, it was early in the morning and they had called a GP out to see me, i remember screaming and crying, i was ill but don't recall what the illness was.
A second one, this time i was maybe 8 or 9, i woke up in my bedroom at my grandparents where i stayed when my Mother worked night shifts, it was pitch black and i was terrified, i screamed, screamed and screamed for what seemed like a long time before my uncle came rushing in, he must have been there a while for suddenly i remember the lights were on and he was trying to console me, i was sobbing uncontrollably, my grandparents were at the door, i don't remember anything after that.
These were very isolated incidents at that age, the older I've grown the terrors have slowly increased in frequency, no doubt the depression, anxiety and a few incidents in my life have contributed to it but not the cause, trouble is is getting the mental health professionals to accept it, they tend to fixate on what appears to be the obvious cause, though at some point i will try again to see one to establish the cause of these bloody things, for i feel these terrors are now a bigger threat to my psychological state than the depression as i have good handle on how and why that occurs but how do you combat something as mysterious as what i have described?
8th December 2013, the journey continues.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Monday, 7 October 2013
Dear Kelly...
I feel condemned by you for
what others did to you, all the self sacrificing patience and
forgiveness over the years was for nothing. Why though? I wasn't the
guy who promised you the world and left you, the same guy who poured
hot coffee over you over an argument, the same guy who manipulated
you into having a threesome with himself and someone else (after
trying to involve me, I refused).
I wasn't the step father who
raped you when she was 14, the same creature who abused your Mother
in every way possible until she ended up committed to a psychiatric
unit for over a decade. I wasn't those social workers who allowed it
all to happen. I wasn't all those others who were happy to use you
for sex even when you said we could be fuck buddies, I told you I wanted
more than that, I wanted to commit to you, commit to bringing up your
child with you, you said I'd make a great boyfriend and I was a good
father figure for your child....yet you deemed me unworthy WHY??
Because i was sexually
inexperienced? Because I wasn't able to do what others did as I
was/am terrified of the intimacy involved?? Why didn't you help me?
Why when I told you I feared you would lose patience with me you did
exactly that? Why did you take my virginity and then tell me you were
making up your mind on whether to be with or another guy? Why did you
go to him? He called you self obsessed, he refused to deal with the
problems he had, why did you choose him over me? Because he was a
single parent too?? How could you do this to me, what did I do to
deserve it??
I thought it was you who
sat next to me at the Derby v Leeds football match last Saturday and
for a good hour and 15 minutes i was afraid until i realised it
wasn't you just someone who resembled you! Why after almost 3 fucking
years can't I just move on from you?? Why when I started my full time
job last November did I wonder if you would be proud of me why the
fuck should I care, you're gone and you ain’t ever coming
Only I’m afraid if you ever did get in touch again I’d
weaken when you'd tell me how sorry you are, what a good man I am, I
deserved better, how lovely I am, how much your child misses me and
the really frightening thing is I’ll fall for it, I’ll tell
myself again it'll be different this time, I'm at my most vulnerable
around you, you know this and you exploit it, but why?? To make
yourself feel better about what was done to you?
Happy Birthday by the way, I always remembered it, of course you hardly ever remembered mine but what the hell.
7th October 2013, the journey continues.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Day 163 of depressive episode: My Thoughts: Forsaken.
Took quite some time to find a word, or
words, to express how i feel, well it came to me today...forsaken...I
feel as though I've been forsaken.
The crushing despair and utter
helplessness i'm feeling over my existence will ensure this is a
short post, sufficient it is to say that when people say they've been
busy or they've got a good thing going they actually mean I've been
excluded and forgotten about...and the way i feel right now I'm done
making an effort with them just like my family who forsaken me.
Majority of my existence I've been
alone in my survival, I'll fight on alone and one day I'll die alone.
Nobody will notice.
5th July 2013 the journey continues.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
My Thoughts: Mini updates of the past couple of months
Well a fairly busy time lately
(relative to my usual schedule anyway) and what seemed to offer some
kind of opportunity...chance of breaking into a career in the mental
health field as a support worker, the exam for my philosophy course,
attending the 'Road to Recovery Event' hosted by Rethink Mental
Illness in Leeds and successfully registered with Angard Staffing to
be a casual worker for the Royal Mail, I'll talk a little bit about
each in turn.
Lets start with the
support worker bit, I got an interview with a local supported
accommodation provider/hospital for women with mental health issues.
To start with the person who emailed me the date got it wrong and
said it was it the 9th June (a Sunday) when in fact it was
scheduled for the 10th, thought it was a bit odd and
wasn't surprised when I turned up on the 9th and got told
it was for the next day, no matter at least I knew where this place
The place itself uses the
Biopsychosocial model which
is encouraging as it means they look at the people they support in
question from more than one angle or approach, altho I don't in-depth
knowledge of the model yet I do understand the basic principles of it
and is in my intended approach if I ever become a mental health
interview went very well, I was able to demonstrate how my
experiences of mental health gave me the empathy to understand, to a
certain extent, what people go through during their experiences of an
mental illness, the internal and external obstacles to recovery. Also
having the experience of being a service user and working with a
support worker gave me some insight to what the latter can do to help
the former realise what goals they may set for themselves.
filling out the health declaration form the two people interviewing
me informed I was the best interviewee they had so far but as I had
no experience of actually working as a support worker they felt this
job would be too big a step for me as a first job in this area,
however if I can get six month's volunteering experience then they
would definitely have a place for me, the two who interviewed said
for me to keep in touch with them as well, so no job but it was a
productive exercise and further reinforces the confidence I have
about doing interviews as I seem to perform very strongly there.
Staffing, an agency set up by the Royal Mail to handle their
recruitment needs contacted me to see if I was still interested in
working for the RM (I did previously register interest for the
Christmas period but seeing as the DWP offered me full time work
first I went there instead) I said I was, interview arranged. Get
there and it was pretty standard stuff, checked all my documents and
ID, the guy raised two issues, first the picture ID wasn't from a
passport or driver's licence but a citizen-card and as the RM are
strict about what they accept as picture ID it probably wouldn't be
accepted, secondly the change of name deed-poll I supplied (as my
surname now is different from birth) wasn't valid he reckoned the
person who witnessed and signed the declaration wasn't a police
officer or solicitor...he was wrong on both counts.
they mailed me the zero-hour contract for me which was signed and returned in May...its now July and I've heard nothing from them.
Contacted them yesterday and the excuse I got was they tried my
landline and couldn't get through and they didn't have my mobile
number...evidently the guy at that interview had quite the off day as
I supplied my mobile number along with the landline. Urgh feels like
a waste of time with this agency but you know might as well stick
with it until I can get full time employment again.
Road to Recovery Event hosted by Rethink Mental Illness in Leeds
seemed like a good idea to attend, members of the charity over
varying places would be there, they had a psychologist there,
basically seemed a an ideal place to get some networking done. That didn't happen and I didn't get a lot out of it which was disappointing,
altho it as amusing to see how much of a hammering they gave the DWP.
Probably the most productive bit of the event was when we got into
groups for the workshops they had and we talked about who we were and
why we were there. We had a fair few relatives, friends of people who
had mental health issues who were there to get an understanding of
this insidious entity 'mental illness' and how they can help those
who suffer with it.
In my
group we had a housing support worker who was there to get an
understanding as he dealt with a number of service users with mental
health issues. In particular he was concerned about he should
approach the issue of if and when he went with a service user to a an
appointment with a psychiatrist, a few of us recounted our
experiences and a consistent theme emerged, namely medication and how
forceful some psychiatrists (and other mental health professionals)
can be about it. Ultimately we told him that while the service user
retains the final say on whether they will take medication or not
some service users won't have the confidence to challenge any
assertion made by an mental health professional about what may the
best treatment for them, that he may be able to support them should
they feel unsure about it.
the philosophy exam, this happened the day after my interview for the
support worker role so a fairly taxing two days. For this exam I had
to answer three questions from ten, I had three hours to do so and
had to hope I could actually remember anything I had revised. I'll
find out if I passed it or not in August. Do I think I passed it? Not
sure, two of the answers I gave I feel were okay, the third wasn't as
I simply couldn't remember anything else and I ran out of time so I'm
hoping the two answers I gave will be enough to pull me through, if
not then its very likely I can re-sit the exam as my coursework
scores stayed above 70% all the way through so its grounds enough
that I do understand the subjects I'd taken (remembering them is
another matter during an exam).
also for tomorrow I will be attending some volunteer training on
speaking to the public about mental illness (and the stigma attached
to it) during an art gallery display by artists who paint to express
their experiences of it, this is for the charity MIND and it will be
hosted in Leicester in August, should definitely get more out of this
than the event I went to in Leeds.
2nd July 2013 the journey continues.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Day 127 of depressive episode My Thoughts: The first two appointments
Not much to say from these which is a
concern considering the limited amount of appointments i have for
this therapy. The first one is as you might expect is an introduction
and a general overview of what you are going through, the second
appointment though was pretty a waste of fucking time.
My appointment time was 12:30, i got to
the bus stop at 11:25, expecting a bus to turn up at or around did not show up until 12:03, now as the journey into the
city centre can take upto 20-30 minutes and on top of that its a 20
minute walk from the centre to where this therapy place is, so thanks
to Trent Barton i was going to be late.
I called the place to say i was running
late, the receptionist informed me that if i was more than 15 minutes
late the therapist may not see me. So the challenge is on, i gotta
get to this place by 12:45 at the latest, lets face it i don't have
enough of a challenge as it is, dealing with the anxiety of wondering
whats going to happen in the therapy session in addition to going
right past Kelly's place on the way.
Finally the bus gets me into the centre
at 12:30...12:30, ridiculous. So after much forced speed marching and
jogging (with inflamed lungs making breathing extremely difficult, my
lower legs went numb and my hamstrings felt as though they were going
to snap) i made to this place by 12:44. The therapist comes in and
says there is no point doing the appointment as there won't be enough
time for him to cover everything he wants to, now if i wasn't so busy
trying to get my breathing and heart rate under control i'd said 'you
got be fucking kidding me, i've just about killed myself getting
In the end he saw me for a
few minutes I think out of appreciation for the fact I had rushed to
get to there asap, after asking a few times if i wanted a drink of
water he told me the therapy would be focused on the trauma of me
being mugged (and a few attempted muggings) years ago, he reckons its
these that are the root cause of the night terrors. He also gave this
thing to look up over the internet 'Eye Movement Desensitisation
Reprocessing' (EMDR) which I’ll go into in a bit.
That was basically it, I
wasn't happy I rushed to get there for all of a few minutes, the next
appointment is in another two weeks, I walked back, it was pissing it
down with rain and I wonder why I bother at times.
Now for this EMDR, copied
from Wiki;
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
is a psychotherapy developed by Francine
Shapiro, which emphasizes disturbing memories as the cause of
psychopathology [1][2]
and alleviates the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
EMDR is used for individuals who have experienced severe trauma which
remains unresolved.[3]
According to Shapiro, when a traumatic or distressing experience
occurs, it may overwhelm normal cognitive and neurological coping
mechanisms. The memory and associated stimuli are inadequately
processed, and stored in an isolated memory network.[4]
The goal of EMDR therapy is to process these distressing memories,
reducing their lingering effects and allowing clients to develop more
adaptive coping mechanisms. This is done by having clients recall
traumas while following the therapist's hand movement.[5]
The use of EMDR was originally developed to treat adults suffering
from PTSD, however, it is also used to treat children.[6]
Just to be clear, the
therapist is not saying I have PTSD (well he said I don't have 'full
blown PTSD' whatever that means), I most certainly do not. I hadn't
heard of this before so I learned about something new, I imagine the
therapist will want to try this treatment and I have have no issue
with doing so, some studies have shown some positive results and has
the added benefit with having no negative side effects.
Bearing in mind its a CBT
therapist I am seeing its interesting to see he's using a treatment
from the psychotherapy side of things. Not overly keen on accessing
the disturbing memories I got in here but if it helps to lessen the
impact of these night terrors then its got be done.
30th May 2013
the journey continues.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Day 119 of depressive episode My Thoughts: Keep moving forward.
This scene struck quite a feeling
within myself given where i am currently;
Let me tell you something you
already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very
mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat
you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You,
me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how
hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep
moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's
how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth
then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be
willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't
where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do
that and that ain't you! You're better than that!
The underlined bits highlight what is
most relevant to me. At the moment i feel as though i'm taking hits,
being made unemployed again (okay i said i was relieved when the job
came to an end but its still not a great feeling), feeling isolated
from my closest friends, the night terrors which occur from time to
time, all added to the depressive episode it can often feel like i'm
taking a beating psychologically.
My CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
appointment is today it will be interesting to see
if and how much of an impact it will have, bearing in mind I am only
receiving a handful of these appointments whatever has be done will
need to be done quickly, I had previously gone through a group
psychotherapy course so if nothing else it will be intriguing to note
the differences between the school of thoughts.
No doubt I will be
asked what I would like to get out of the appointments I will have,
honestly I just don't know, how do you set a goal on dealing with
night terrors? The cause isn't clear, the triggers themselves are
pretty vague, stress is one but then I’m not always stressed when
they occur, I’m not always depressed, anxious, sad, whatever and I
haven't watched any zombie films or tv series lately to explain away
why I have dreams of crowds of people trying to lynch me (they are
not zombies either).
So ain't going to
have much time to establish something to help at the very least to
reduce the frequency of the terrors, then again the frequency is
random as well, I can go months without them before I suddenly end up
getting at its worst at least one a night. I wonder though if night
terrors is even an appropriate term anymore considering I had one
lately that occurred during daytime...
I'll probably write
a quick post on how the appointment goes later on today (its 3:30 in
the morning, I can't sleep so just casually browsing the net and
watching Rocky Balboa) now as Rocky said earlier;
Keep moving forward.
Wednesday 22th
May 2013 the journey continues.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Day 104 of depressive episode My Thoughts: Bite the bullet
My contract with my last employer
finished on the 26th
April and so unemployed once more. I felt a mixture of feelings about
leaving, on the one hand I found the job itself draining as I have
anxiety about talking to people over the phone (I often wondered
about the wisdom then of me taking a full time job where I am on the
phone on the majority of the employment, however as a close friend
once said I am a glutton for punishment so that probably explains it
well enough) and given the nature of the work I was always afraid of
making a mistake, the mistakes I would make in this case would affect
people and I’ve been in that position of being stressed due to the
mistakes of others.
In particular though
there were times I felt I was part of the problem for some of these
people I spoke to, I couldn't help them and had to tell them so, the
bearer of bad news for people who were in poor (at times desperate)
circumstances, one call will always stand out for me, a woman called
to make a claim for JSA (Jobseekers Allowance) having been disallowed
from her sickness benefit despite her stating she still suffered from
the sickness in question which would greatly impact on her ability to
work, also due to some bad advice she had waited for more than a
month to make a claim meaning the whole process would take much
longer for her than had she called within a month.
This woman was upset
from the beginning about the whole situation, it sure felt horrible
for me to say to her that the only way I could help her was by taking
a new claim and under the circumstances this isn't help at all,
anything else I can't do anything for her. She constantly re-told me
her situation in the vain hope this would somehow change things for
the better, of course it didn't and so it came to the question where
I asked her how her sickness or disability affected her ability to
work (I already knew but I wasn't allowed to answer for people, they
had to answer every question no matter how bleeding obvious the
answer was) so she told me, she however went into detail about why
she suffered from panic attacks.
The previous year
she was raped and during the attack the rapist had stubbed out
cigarettes on her. At this point (bearing in mind I already felt
guilty about the whole thing, it just didn’t feel right to me what
was going on for this woman and I was part of it) it sent me over the
edge, feeling so guilty I just couldn't carry on taking the call, the
whole situation was just wrong, so I got the deputy team leader and
explained to her I couldn't continue the call, she took over for me.
This happened on Friday 15th
March, I remember the date as on the 16th
I went to to watch Derby County beat Leicester City 2-1 (the first
time I saw Derby win in almost 3 years) and straight after I went to
a friend's birthday night out, so the 15th
was an awful day, the 16th
being a very good one.
By far and away the
worst call I ever experienced during my time there. For the most part
most of the people I dealt with were okay and many of them took the
time to thank me at the end of the calls. What ensured I kept going
through the difficult times there was the support I had from the
people I worked with, in particular my team leader and deputy team
leader I doubt I’ll get as much support or understanding I got from
them from another employer which I why despite the fact I far from
enjoyed the job I am sad I am no longer working there.
As to what I will do
next well I think its time I bite the bullet and attempt to get into
working in the mental health field despite feeling crippled by self
doubt that I would be able to cope in such a role (after all I didnt
cope at all with the call I described above) then again not long
before I started the last job I had the feeling I wouldn't be able to
do it, well I bit the bullet and did it, did it well.
May 2013 the journey continues again.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Day 88: My thoughts: When night terrors and anxiety attacks...
Friday 19th got
off to a very bad start, within minutes of the beginning of the new
date i had a night terror where I saw some kind of creature crawling
on the wall close to where I was resting my head on the pillow, I’ve
no idea what it was supposed to be as in my shock of seeing something
(which only exists in my mind as i haven't realised by this point I’m
actually awake )suddenly appear, i used the duvet to to crush it
against the wall, at first it appears as though I have crushed this
thing as theres some dark substance smeared across the
wall...normally I’ve regained full consciousness by this point and
realised what happened, didn’t. Only the creature is still alive
and has now crawled into a gap in my duvet, now I’m panicking as I
can't see this thing and I’m afraid its going to crawl onto my face
if I go back to sleep, finally at some point I’ve woken up and
realised its a dream, I'm trying to calm down, my hearts threatening
to explode its going so bloody fast and hard, i'm telling myself I’m
fine nothings happened yet I remain feeling a sense of dread as I go
back to sleep.
That was bad enough but
the next nightmare I was to have (that I remember) made a mockery of
it. Through all the dreams I was having at what seemed like a million
miles an hour all one fast never-ending blur when everything slows
down and I have a female voice say to me “(friend's name) has been
murdered” this friend I have known since I was 15 years old and I
regard him more than a close friend he's family to me, now obviously
in this nightmare I’m really upset and the overwhelming feeling of
grief hits me, whoever told me this isn't there anymore, its just me
in my flat and I try to call my Mother first and then somebody else
(don't know who) but none answer, I begin crying as I need to talk to
somebody, to tell them what's happened to my dear friend, i'm alone
with the knowledge of something incomprehensibly awful.
And the worst is yet to
Now I’m in a street at
night time watching a taxi slowdown in the middle of the road, I
recognise the street, its where I lived for a few years some time
ago, this friend of mine lived with me for a year or so during a
difficult time of his life. He's in the backseat of the
quickly dawns on me the full horror of what I’m about to see.
My friend being murdered.
The driver (only thing of
him I can recall is him wearing a grey polo shirt) locks the doors
electronically, the sound of the door catches all thumping downwards,
the driver turns and moves towards my friend, who isn't moving, its
as though he's paralysed, the driver is almost on top of him and I’m
privy to his final thoughts before he dies, firstly that he's going
to die at the hands of the driver and secondly that I am nowhere to
be seen...
And so I wake up late and
I got 10 minutes to get dressed, have a quick wash, grab my stuff and
get out of the door to catch the bus to work, which I manage and I
haven't thought about the second nightmare really, at first I’m too
busy rushing to get out on time and when i'm on the bus I got my
walkman blasting music into earphones, I do briefly ask myself the
question of why the fuck I would dream about something like that but
I can't even begin to identify a trigger for that.
Off the bus I have a 15
minute walk to my workplace, the music is still going but by now the
adrenaline is helping to walk very quickly and I’m hyper vigilante,
scowling at every passer by as though they are threat to me, part of
me wishing for somebody to give me the slightest excuse to unleash
the aggression that is straining within me. I get into sainsburys to
buy myself a sandwich (as I didn’t have time to make my own) and I
go for a meal deal, or so I thought, I picked 2 other items, a drink
and a snack to go with the sandwich, a meal deal that is supposed to
cost £3 but I end up being charged at the self service checkout for
£4.46, now I’m sure the previous day I got the same items and it
cost me £3, initially annoyed by this I just told myself to stop
being a mardy miserable prick and just get on with it, what
difference is £1.46 going to make anyway? So get out a tenner and
feed it into the note spits back out my tenner, well okay
the tenner was folded in one corner so correct that and put it back,
nope it still spits out my tenner, its not accepting it.
“fuck this!” I
snatched the note back and left the items I was going to buy on the
checkout and stomp out. I get to work and turns out theres an I.T
issue which means we have to work around it and I just can't be doing
with it even so the changes are simple enough and its no big deal,
yet i'm enraged by this point, first the checkout machine wont take
my money and now this bullshit at work.
So after some minutes (7
or 8 maybe?) I’ve finally calmed down, the anger is gone, the
adrenaline is gone and I’m okay now...actually I’m not, I’m at
the mercy of the anxiety that is about flood over me.
The thoughts of the
nightmare I had begin to crawl back into my mind, I’m just staring
into space waiting for a customer to come through to my line and the
feelings that linger from the nightmare are now making themselves
known as the anger is no longer there to suppress it, I can feel the
tears welling up and I try to hold it all back but its no use, the
first couple trickle out and the floodgates open, the deputy team
leader notices after borrowing a document to photocopy from my desk,
she's asking me whats wrong and I cannot get any words out as i'm
just sobbing away, eventually I manage to get up from my chair and
half run into a empty training room, where I half collapsed to the
floor and carried on bawling away meekly telling her that I was
sorry, finally managing to say to my deputy team leader about the
nightmare I had (or rather I just vaguely said I had a nightmare
about a friend of my mine being murdered, how can I possibly explain
the whole thing, it seemed absurd to me, it just wouldn't make sense
to anyone else and it still probably doesn't).
So its established my
friend works in the same place and my deputy team leader asked if it
would helped if I knew he was in work that day, I said yes and she
went off to find out (in fact my friend came to see me a few minutes
later, he was told by her I was upset and we talked for a bit, I
didnt tell him the full story of it either, I didn’t know how to
even begin trying to explain it, it just seems so..wrong somehow.
Seeing the state I was in
(altho I had managed to stop crying by this point but it was obvious
I had been) he told me for one thing I shouldn't be at work given how
I’m feeling as it would the last place I wanted be and that I was
invited to stop over with him at his place for the night when he
returns from having a drink with a colleague so I’m not alone
(turns out I’d be invited to the drink later as he was concerned
about me being alone for too long), after getting over the initial
overbearing anxiety I felt on the bus on the way to meeting with him
I actually had a good time.
Its Sunday morning now and
the feelings from the night terrors haven't disappeared, the feelings
are still there and its difficult to explain, after all I know the
terrors are not real, the creature didn’t exist, I didn’t smear
it over the wall and it didn’t crawl into my duvet, my friend
wasn't murdered, I know this and yet the horrible feelings from them
linger and whats really frustrating is I can't work out the trigger
for them, the CBT therapy I’m going for at the end of May seem a
long time away.
21st April 2013
the journey continues.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
My thoughts day 80 of depressive episde: Its still going, guilt and CBT.
A month on from my previous post and
while things improved for a couple of weeks, to the point where i
believed this episode was over (the last week though has shown it
most certainly is not, now i feel like such an idiot for publicly
saying it was over) however things just keep coming up adding to the
stress I'm under.
Yesterday i went to see my Grandfather
(the closest thing i've had to an father) for the first time in over
four years (with the one exception when i saw him on the bus and
spoke to him some months previously) for two reasons. Firstly he got
injured by a startled horse that bolted out from the stable and trod
on him, leaving him with a fractured eye socket and cheekbone as well
badly hurting his leg. However its the second reason that i mostly
went for.
Recently a court had ordered that my
Grandfather must sell the house as part of the divorce proceedings.
Standard stuff but was also ordered to give 50% of his private
pension to my Grandmother, a ruling that has outraged the entire
family, of course he can appeal the ruling but he won't, he's a
broken, depressed old man who doesn't see the point of fighting a
system that is biased against him. (a minor matter, the marriage
ended after my Grandmother was caught by my Mother having an affair
with my Grandfather's best friend). Granted my Grandfather was a long
way from being the best husband or father in the world but he wasn't
evil, abusive or anything of the sort and doesn't deserve what's
happened to him.
Anyway, my Mother told me that he
intended to give me some of the money he would get from selling the
house. So i went to tell him i don't want the money from him for the
simple reason that by the time the courts, solictors and my
Grandmother are done with him he'll have little or nothing left and
the whole thing leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, i just can't
accept it and i won't no matter how much my mum tells me that i
deserve some money from him (i don't, i haven't seen him properly in
over 4 years for fuck's sake).
Its bad enough knowing that people are
crawling out of the woodwork as they know my Grandmother is coming
into some money (my Grandfather's best friend in particular). I
already feel guilty about going to see him for the first time in ages
to just tell him i don't want his money but i know i'll feel a damn
sight bloody worse if i stay quiet and just take the money, i just
hope he doesn't think its because i hate him and want nothing to do
with him, the reason i never go to see him is because its very
painful to see what has happened to my Grandfather over the years.
For now of the 27th of this
month my full time employment will end unless i get something else
lined up and so far i haven't, I'm still undecided on what i should
do, on the one hand i want to get into working in the Mental Health
sector and its likely i would need to do some voluntary work to get
some experience, i don't want to sign on for JSA and be at the mercy
of the DWP and in particular the Jobcentre Plus staff. On the other
hand whilst getting another job would ensure i stay out of their
clutches, however I'm soon to be 29 years of age and really feel like
i need to make the career shift now.
What may or may not complicate matters
(besides depression) are my night terrors, now i got an appointment
to see a CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapist) in May about them but
really don't feel its going to be of much help, so far when i talk to
people almost all end up trivalising it to the point i feel like
telling them i'm not a fucking child thats having bad dreams here,
i'm having nightmares where i experience the sheer terror of people
trying to hurt or kill me (that is when i remember them, often i
don't remeber what it was thats got me woken up in the middle of
night feeling utterly terrified), i wake up lashing out and screaming
at things that are not there.
Who knows though maybe this CBT will
work, i have to try don't i, what else can i do?
13th April 2013, the journey
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
My thoughts: Day 48 Losing
To rewind a bit I had dragged myself
into work yesterday after going to my local GP as I felt so bad when
I woke up I decided I had go before tomorrow (Wednesday, I booked
that day off) and get a blood test arranged to begin with to rule out
any physical reason for how tired I am lately. In addition I
mentioned to the GP (with trepidation) about the night terrors I
sometimes get, I’d mentioned it previously but nobody took it
seriously in its own right, the last mental health professionals
insisting its part of my depression and its that we (they) should
concentrate on, the last GP I mentioned it to simply dismissed it as
being normal...yeah me waking screaming the place down, soaked in
sweat and lashing out at things I’m still dreaming about (despite
being awake, just not fully conscious) and thats when I can REMEMBER
what it is that has gotten me so terrified in the first place, often
the only indicators I have I had an episode of a night terror when I
don't recall having one is unexplained markings on my body and that I
feel especially aggressive for the rest of the day.
The GP at least took on board what I
said and gave me the PTS (Psychological Therapies Service) handout to
call them in regards to my night terrors, my experience of dealing
with them isn't good but I figure at this point I don't have much of
a choice but to try them again, after all what is going on is
affecting my ability to my job, while I can't be blamed for that I
can be blamed if I don't take steps to rectify it.
It hasn't been unnoticed by others
either that I’m struggling, my team leader and deputy team leader
in particular. After getting into work yesterday after visiting the
GP we had a quick meeting just so I could update the deputy team
leader on what is happening, she was keen to refer me to the
occupational health people (Atos Healthcare, god help me) so said yes
to it but I honestly don't expect they will be able to help and only
because it won't go on record anywhere I was referred to them.
She was also keen to find out what it
is that is bothering so much, I didn't know what to tell her other
than I didn't really know, I have previously said the stress of
working full time isn't helping as I have to cope with it alongside
everything else, I didn't tell her that as it feels as though I’m
assigning blame, not to mention I already have fears of future
prospective employers deciding that I cannot in fact cope with
working full time.
I had to fight back tears during the
meeting, she was being supportive (or trying to be) and I wasn't
honest with her, also I felt ashamed I do in fact need support and
I’m ashamed that I’ve taken it, I feel like I’m not coping, I
feel weak and I feel like I’ve let the depression win again, most
of all it makes me a hypocrite as I’ve told do many people so many
times there is no shame in reaching for help and support when you are
struggling, as you shouldn't cope alone and it doesn't make you weak, that's exactly what I tried
to do and I’ve failed.
12th March 2013 the journey
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
My Thoughts: Day 34 of depressive episode Attrition
After a mini recovery
during a week or so after the Friday its back to the
attrition that inevitably arises with depression. The familiar
pattern is there, sleep has become lacking and the little I get is
often disturbed as it is broken as thoughts become like monster
tornadoes causing an almighty whirlwind of noise of many bad things
from my past I simply cannot keep locked away, unstable emotional
responses ranging from rage (strong desire to strike back at people
who had hurt me, violence prevalent in many of the fantasies I have
of what I would do in this state) to despair (hopelessness of my
life, Kelly still tormenting me over my failures, my inability to
form any semblance of a romantic attachment).
So far my appetite has
held fast and is probably (in combination with the weekend breaks
from work) the only thing thats giving me the energy (the little I
have got) to drag my weary carcass into work day after day when all I
want to do curl up into a ball and stay hidden from the world in the
laughable hope that everything and everyone would forget I actually
exist and I have no obligation to do anything anymore.
The hardest part so far is
travelling to work. So tired when I wake up I just dont have anything
to get up and do the basic stuff that I should do, like take a
shower, have a shave, have a cup of tea and some breakfast, nope I do
none of this I scramble when I have only 10 minutes left before my
bus arrives, its bloody freezing for me first thing in the morning
and this no doubt isn't helped by my lack of sleep. In particular I
sometimes wonder if I should just throw myself under the next lorry
that passes by, this isn't really a serious suicidal tendency its
just me wondering why I’m stood or walking in the cold, tired,
hungry and miserable dreading the prospect of working for the next 7
and half hours.
I wonder about just
calling in sick and facing the disciplinary to justify why I’ve had
taken 4 days off sick since I started working for them, I mean fuck
it with all the shit I’m going through they won't have a leg to
stand on and will only embarrass themselves, even in this state
(often I’m on autopilot during calls, I don't even need the script
anymore I got it memorized word for word, often I don't even remember
saying half of the bloody things I’ve said when I actually force
myself to stop and ask myself what I remember about the call I been
on for the past 10 minutes) I’m still performing better than what
was expected of me.
Only I fear it'll become a
habit, besides which I’ve lost so much time to this damned illness
already why should it win out yet again? Not this time I struggled
for so long to get where I am, the only way depression is going to
stop me now is if it actually kills me.
Yet the worst part of all
this is knowing this is no where near the worst this can get. This is
only moderate, it could get severe before the end of April (when my
employment contract runs out) I’m struggling now, if it becomes
severe my appetite will disappear,
sleep will become non-existent and suicidal thoughts will be constant
and unrelenting day and night, in addition to the minor things like my mood being persistently very low for a greater length of time.
I could say I don't know
how I will cope if it happens but I know I will as I’ve survived so
many episodes before with each one hardening me with each survival,
its simply seeing who has the resilience and courage to hold out
longer than the other, if history is anything to go by then
depression will lose this one...again.
26th February 2013 the journey continues.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
My Thoughts: Day 15 of depressive episode: Collapse
The last two days my mood has collapsed.
i took a gamble on something good happening and what happens instead is the opposite...bad. Yesterday and today have absolutely brutal to get through as the depression is biting hard and i have to get through a full day at work constantly talking to people, some taking out their problems on me and others who are truly in an awful situation. Its not all bad though some do actually take the time to thank me at the end of the calls.
I said previously in a post i knew i was going to through hell soon enough but i didn't realise how quickly i was going to enter it, this is only day 15 its frightening how quickly I've descended, already i'm wanting to curl up into a ball and just hide from everything and everyone. I'm exhausted right now and i got one more day of work before the weekend to get through and i am dreading it, i don't want to go, i don't want to do anything right now but just hide in my place.
Unfortunately if i did that (as far as I'm concerned i would have every right, screw my employer they have no idea how bad this is, not a god damn clue) the long term consequences for my employability will be dire as it'll appear i can't handle the stress of working full time (granted its not helping me right now) and I've no intention of being reliant on crappy benefits for years on end like last time just because potential employers get scared shitless when the words 'mental health issues' get mentioned about my big gap of unemployment.
Life is crap as i got something to fight for but I'm fed up of it, i don't want to fight i don't even know if its bloody worth it anymore but what i want doesn't matter, its always something that gets in the way;
I don't want depression - i got it anyway
I don't want nightmares and night terrors - i get them anyway
I don't want to fight - i have to
I want to give up - i can't
I don't want to hurt anymore - i do
I wanted to cry for the homeless man without a penny to his name - i couldn't.
This is going to get so much worse before it gets better.
7th February 2013...the journey continues.
i took a gamble on something good happening and what happens instead is the opposite...bad. Yesterday and today have absolutely brutal to get through as the depression is biting hard and i have to get through a full day at work constantly talking to people, some taking out their problems on me and others who are truly in an awful situation. Its not all bad though some do actually take the time to thank me at the end of the calls.
I said previously in a post i knew i was going to through hell soon enough but i didn't realise how quickly i was going to enter it, this is only day 15 its frightening how quickly I've descended, already i'm wanting to curl up into a ball and just hide from everything and everyone. I'm exhausted right now and i got one more day of work before the weekend to get through and i am dreading it, i don't want to go, i don't want to do anything right now but just hide in my place.
Unfortunately if i did that (as far as I'm concerned i would have every right, screw my employer they have no idea how bad this is, not a god damn clue) the long term consequences for my employability will be dire as it'll appear i can't handle the stress of working full time (granted its not helping me right now) and I've no intention of being reliant on crappy benefits for years on end like last time just because potential employers get scared shitless when the words 'mental health issues' get mentioned about my big gap of unemployment.
Life is crap as i got something to fight for but I'm fed up of it, i don't want to fight i don't even know if its bloody worth it anymore but what i want doesn't matter, its always something that gets in the way;
I don't want depression - i got it anyway
I don't want nightmares and night terrors - i get them anyway
I don't want to fight - i have to
I want to give up - i can't
I don't want to hurt anymore - i do
I wanted to cry for the homeless man without a penny to his name - i couldn't.
This is going to get so much worse before it gets better.
7th February 2013...the journey continues.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
My thoughts: Latest depressive episode day 10: Deterioration
The unrelenting stress
continues to pound away at me physically and emotionally, so far
little damage is done, hell I can even appear to be happy, laughing
and full of life, as though it isn’t there.
But it is.
The usual pattern is at
work here, my immune system bears the brunt of it all, it becomes
weakened to the point I catch everything going, this year I got the
flu and if that wasn't enough this flu has now triggered off a
problem with my sinus, leaving the right side of my face in a good
deal of pain for most of the day, consequently I feel like crap all
the time (physically) and eventually it impacts on me
So far the depression is
mild and is often only fleeting in the moments its having, the odd
thought about how wrong this is all going to go, the worst is yet to
come. Notwithstanding throughout the flu during its first week I
ended up having to allow a relative to stay with me and stay hidden
from the rest of the family after a huge row that broke out which
ended up with the relative in question being allegedly assaulted by
another, however true to form I’m helpless to confront the
aggressor in question as I’ve been made to promise I would stay out
of it.
In addition informing my
team leader at work that an episode has just begun is looking as
though it going to backfire as the leader falsely attributed part of
the reason I had two days off work (due to the flu polaxing me for
those days) due to the depression...they put on the 'welcome back'
form that I was 'very depressed' despite me making it clear it was
the flu that kept me off work and nothing else. I mean blimey, if
they think I’m very depressed now they going to be in for a rude
shock when I get there. In fairness the team leader is trying to be
supportive its just bemusing to me that they put very depressed on
that form, they at least agreed to remove the word very when I
pointed I'm only mildly depressed.
My appetite is going down
making eating an unwanted but necessary chore, I procrastinated on my
Open University assignments so much I’ve wrote them whole on
deadline day, last month I still scored 70%, this time I doubt very
much I’ll manage that and at the moment on I’m on the path to a
self fulfilled prophecy if I don't pull my finger out and actually
study this course. Hell I don't even feel better talking about
anything any more, either I’m feeling guilty for letting others
know what is going on with me or I feel I’m just seeking attention
by doing it (then again what else to do, I tried suffering in silence
it doesn't work unless you can lie to yourself convincingly).
In a state of
deterioration physically and emotionally, unless something changes
its going to continue all the way to severe depression and suicidal
ideation. This week could very well see arrive at the next
stage...moderate depression, however having read what I have put here
I’m wondering if I’m actually there already? Pushing on i cannot escape...
2nd February 2013 the journey continues.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
My thoughts: Latest depressive episode Day 1: All good things come to an end...
A good run of depression-free months
comes to an abrupt end today and the next 3 months at the very least
I will be going to hell and back. While its the same old story with
the same trigger for this episode (continuous and unrelenting stress)
there is something different this time, 2 things in fact, I have a
full time job to cope with and the fact that going into this I have
never felt so alone and isolated in all my life.
I feel so disconnected with my closest
friends right now, they have their own things to be dealing with and
I can do nothing but 'be there for them' but despite a telephone call
to a counsellor who tried to reassure me its all I can do and as I’m
doing it I'm doing everything I can do, I felt screaming at her ITS
NOT ENOUGH!! I didn't though it just didn't help to hear it from
someone else, after all I know this and I have to come peace with it
but I can't, in fact I won't.
Compounding this new episode is I’m
also almost delirious with raging temperature (I’m heating up the
room better than my radiator, not that difficult at all mind you) my
vision is blurry, I’m dizzy and full of cold, yet in all likeliness
I will have to go to work tomorrow (I really don't want to) however
given my employer's sickness policy I got one more free day where I
can take a sick day, any more before April and I’ll be pulled up on
a disciplinary, now given I have mental health issues any official
record of me taking sick days isn't going to look good especially
when it comes to idiots who decide that those of us with mental
health issues are really just skivers (and some employers do think
this way and discriminate accordingly).
A big thank you to John
for commentating on my previous post, means a lot I really mean that
just hope this isn't too much of a downer for you. Derbiean will go
marching on regardless of everything and fight the depression, after
all what else I can do anyway?
22nd January
the journey continues.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
My thoughts: The sufferings of others.
The only thing I find more difficult than my own suffering is to see the suffering of another,
especially of those closest to me. Right now there are three who are
going through bad times (and another who is suicidal) while I am
there for them it feels as though I’m watching from afar as they go
through it whilst i look on helplessly, powerless to affect the
circumstances, beyond being there for someone what can one actually
Nothing and I hate that
more than anything.
Being there for them just
isn't enough I have to offer some worthwhile piece of advice or
insight that helps the circumstances surrounding them or their
current emotional state, I never manage to it seems, part of me says
its because there is nothing to said or done beyond being there, the
other part says its because I’m actually not that good of a friend
I’ve been so wrapped up in my own problems over the years I
actually have no clue how to help anyone else, I mean how could I? I
couldn't help myself most of the time.
Quite often they tell me
of what is going on (or not going on that should be) for them and a
lot of the time lately I’m wondering on what I can actually say,
often nothing comes to mind other than “thats crap” “thats not
right” “im so sorry to hear to that” etc and I keep saying to
myself “thats all you can say? A bog standard go to response?”
Often mental health
professionals asked me why it is so important to me that I’d often
allow it to consume me to the point I was a emotional wreck, I’d
say it's because I care about these people, I know what its like
(sometimes) to go through what they are going through, one of the
four said its because I am a 'glutton for punishment' and the fact I
can conveniently forget about my own troubles and avoid having to
deal with my own things.
I still have to figure out
how to cope with seeing others struggle and accept the awful fact
that often there is little or nothing I can do about it, how I manage
this will be subject of much intense introspection for a very long
time to come.
17th January 2013
the journey continues.
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